The Cultured Naturalist Art Collections
Shop for artwork from The Cultured Naturalist based on themed collections. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Shop for artwork based on subjects. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Artwork by The Cultured Naturalist
Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Plate 156 American Crow by John James Audubon

Plate 108 Fox-coloured Sparrow by John James Audubon

Thylacine, Thylacinus cynocephalus by John Gould

Plate 82 Whip-poor-will by John James Audubon

Plate 13 Snow Bird by John James Audubon

Plate 393 Townsend's Warbler, Arctic Blue-bird, Western Blue-bird by John James Audubon

Plate 101 Raven by John James Audubon

Plate 54 Rice Bird by John James Audubon

Plate 65 Rathbone Warbler by John James Audubon

Plate 171 Barn Owl by John James Audubon

Metamorphosis Insectorum 15 by Maria Sibylla Merian

Print 3 Prothonotary Warbler by John James Audubon

Plate 92 Pigeon Hawk by John James Audubon

Metamorphosis Insectorum 5 by Maria Sibylla Merian

Anomis hawaiiensis by Rothschild J G Keulemans

Western-barred Bandicoot, Perameles myosurus by John Gould

Numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus by John Gould

Hairy-nosed Wombat, Phascolomys lasiorhinus by John Gould

Common Wombat, Phascolomys wombat by John Gould

Black-footed Tree Rat by John Gould

Fawn-footed Mosaic Rat by John Gould

Phalancista fuliginosa by John Gould

Arachnida by Ernst Haeckel

Plate 239 American Coot by John James Audubon
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 300
About The Cultured Naturalist